Friday, 8 June 2012

Is it just a co-incidence that most of our children enjoy relaxation the most?

A lot of our classes are held at the end of the school day.  Many of the children appear to be quite hyperactive after a busy day in school.  Our children experience increasingly stressful lives as they strive to be the best they can down to pressures not only from their parents, carers and teachers but also from life in general.  It is widely portrayed that in order to succeed in life you have to be the best!  To get the best jobs you have to get the best grades, to be the best performers in sport you need to work the hardest...

Beaming Buddhas aims to take away some of this stress through the yoga session and always ensure they have a wonderful relaxation session at the end of the class.  This relaxation gives the children the time they need to unwind and relax.  The other week we even had one child who fell asleep in the 15 minute relaxation and was snoring! At the end of the yoga courses when the children are asked what they enjoyed most from the yoga , many of them respond with the relaxation, being able to lie down with the lavender eye pillow, 'chill out' and either listen to music or guided meditation.

It is no coincidence that many of the children enjoy the relaxation as it is a much needed 'time out'.  It is perfectly normal to want the best for your children and to encourage to be the best that they can be.  It is equally important to ensure that your child is allowed 'time out' to properly relax.  If you child can learn how to relax properly they will learn techniques on how to manage their whole life much easier.

To see more health benefits of yoga visit
To shop Yoga products including relaxation aids visit

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